

Have you ever seen the day parade "Jubilation!"?
I really really like this parade!

"Jubilation!" means that a feeling of great happiness because of a success.
After you see " Jubilation!" , you will be sure to feel great happiness.

Today, I'll introduce 3 parts of this parade.

First, Minnie is in this part. Minnie's dress is sooo cute, isn't it?

Second, this part is princess and prince.
I like this part best!! Especially, " Beauty and the Beast".
They are sooooooo beautiful.

Today's last picture is this part.
This part is Pocahotas , Pooh and Pooh's friends.
They are sooo cute and make us happy.

Next time, I'll be going to introduce next parts.

4 件のコメント:

  1. I will go to there next apring vacation!!
    Yes!! finally!!!!

  2. i wanna see i wanna see i wana see i wanna see!!!!!!!!!

    lets live in toontown(^^)

  3. hello!
    they makes us very happy.
    I want to go next vacation!!
